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A Precious Kitty

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

Mr Precious is a 5-year-old male kitty who has a new lease on life after being adopted by his mom Kira from Wisconsin, USA. He was rescued after he was abandoned by someone and left to freeze in the streets. He was discovered right before a terrible snowstorm, in the middle of a road in Caledonia, Illinois.

He was unconscious and would have definitely died if it wasn’t for the help of some good Samaritans who happened to pass by car on that street. They took him home just in time before the snowstorm started.

Unfortunately, the people who discovered Mr Precious could not afford to adopt him. After they helped Mr Precious recover, they surrendered him at the Paws Humane Society of Rockford in Illinois.

A Large Love

The Paws Humane Society of Rockford noticed that Mr Precious was larger than a typical cat of his age and breed. They would later find out that he weighed almost 30 pounds.

Mr. Precious was soon up for adoption, but the volunteers at the Paws Humane Society of Rockford feared that potential adopters would overlook him because of his size. However, Kira from Wisconsin disproved their fears.

It was love at first sight for Kira. She knew at an instant that she'd be taking Mr Precious home with her. Although he is Kira's first overweight cat, her prior experience in taking care of special needs cats proved immensely helpful in his weight loss journey.

The veterinarians recommended a special soft diet can food for Mr Precious to help with his weight loss. He has shed 8 pounds since being adopted by Kira. He is making steady progress towards his goal weight of 15 pounds.

Gettier Healthier

Kira says Mr Precious is an affectionate and cuddly kitty. He has special stairs to help him climb up and get off the bed easily. His favorite part of the house is where his scratching post is located.

Mr Precious and cat mom Kira

Yet, he loves the most to follow his mom around everywhere she goes. He is very protective and makes sure Kira is safe from the water when she goes to take a shower in the bathroom. He is living his best life with his mom Kira.

His biggest wish at the moment is to lose weight so that he can play with his mom for longer periods of time.

Kira initially had a challenging time getting Mr Precious used to his new diet. With practice and patience, he now eats carefully proportioned meals three times a day. Kira is actively helping him get healthier. She is the ray of hope that he needed all these years.

Follow the Weight Loss Journey

The circumstances under which he was raised by his previous hooman(s) are unclear. Kira is heartbroken in coming to terms with the fact that Mr Precious was abandoned for dead in the freezing snow.

However, she is glad that he made his way to her. Kira promises to keep him safe and to love him with all of her heart for the rest of his life.

If you want to see Mr Precious’ weight loss journey you can follow him on his Instagram account.

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