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Nairobi Calling: Ms. Grey Needs You!

Updated: Apr 22, 2023

Gilbert Keen, the founder of Pet Haven Foundation in Nairobi, Kenya, is asking for your support. Pet Haven Foundation describes itself as a simple movement about showing compassion towards stray cats to empower the next generation of pet parents.

The foundation aims to alleviate the suffering of stray cats in Nairobi through acts of kindness by feeding them and offering TNR (trap-neuter-return) services. As pet owner, Gilbert Keen underlines that he totally understands the power of the unconditional love that furry family members bring to cat people. According to him, cats very much deserve some compassion from us.

Pet Haven Foundation seeks your support to help with a stray kitten, Ms. Grey, who they have encountered in their Stray Feeding and Rehabilitation Program.

Upon examination, Pet Haven Foundation noticed Ms. Grey had eating issues. Her teeth are misaligned and the vet says she has a mastication problem. It is clear she is in quite some pain while eating and drinking water. She barely eats any form of a full meal and can only handle solid small treats.

So, at the local vet's recommendation, Pet Haven Foundation is looking to see about having Ms. Grey’s teeth removed to relieve the pain at the bare minimum. For this, the vet quoted them roughly USD 300. So, they figured USD 400 would be a solid number in case it is more expensive.

This is then to cover all teeth and those three strange lumps. Pet Haven Foundation checked in with other locations in Kenya about a lower price, but almost all of them quoted a similar or more expensive amount.

To be able covering the costs, Pet Haven Foundation started a Fundsdrive at M-Changa, an online and mobile fundraising platform in Africa. But they have only managed to raise USD 40 so far. Pet Haven Foundation asks for your help.

According to Gilbert Keen, the surgery on Ms. Grey has to be pretty soon. Keen wants to tell you that even one USD would fix that the cat can eat more food and painlessly!

On behalf of Ms. Grey, Keen and the Pet Haven Foundation wants to thank you in advance for your consideration.

The link to the crowd funding drive in Kenya

Website PetHaven app - Read here about TNR activities by Cat Corner Stories in Saudi Arabia

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